Wednesday, October 28, 2015

F*** Obamacare

This year when I filed my taxes, I had to pay $260 (or 1% of my income for 2014) as a "Individual Mandate Penalty".  The reason for this was that I did not have health insurance.  I looked into health insurance, it was around $175 a month, with $50 copays, that barely covered anything.  Not something that makes sense to pay for considering my income, and that fact that I've made one visit to the doctor since 2000.  I'm the healthiest I've ever been at 32.  I don't believe in yearly check ups.  I'm a naturalist, and prefer to have modern medicine as an "ace in the hole" if ever anything were to go terribly wrong.  Yet, in 2016, I will be forced to pay a fine of 2% of my 2015 income, in 2017, 2.5% of my 2016 income, and in 2018, it will cap out at 3% of previous year's income, every year, until Obamacare is repealed.  So, in essence, I'm being forced to pay taxes for something I chose not to participate in, that truly only effects me.  Wait, isn't that very similar to what the Revolutionary War began over?  Taxation without representation?

Did you know that many of the Senators and Representatives that passed Obamacare didn't even read it?  Nancy Pelosi, House of Representatives Minority Leader and California district 12 representative, said "But we have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy."  WHAT? Ron Paul, ex-representative for Texas' 22nd district had his team read the whole thing, and they believe it is unconstitutional. 

That money that those of who wish to not participate in the sham, and those who can't afford to, pay as a "penalty" goes to fund the system, that pays for subsidized health care for those below a certain income level.  Yet, wait, don't I already pay a medicaid tax out of my pay check?  YUP, 1.45% of every dollar I work hard to make.  So now I get to pay more to fund health care that I don't agree with or have for myself (or want/need).  And I don't get a choice.  Isn't this suppose to be the "Land of the Free"?

When I have voted, I've usually voted Democrat. In 2008, I voted for Obama. However, if Obama and the rest of the Democrats would have said that they were going to force me and other hard working, healthy Americans, to pay for a system we don't agree with, or at least, don't want to be a part of, I would have told them to go have sex with themselves in a not so delicate manner. In the 2016, I support the Republicans taking power, because I see that as the only way that Obamacare will get repealed.

Obamacare favors the big insurance companies. It requires the young and the middle class to fund a system that from which they have little to nothing to gain. It does far more to hurt the American public and the economy, than the little it helps. I believe in socialized medicine, yet it needs to be optional.

Obamacare is tyrannous and unconstitutional. It has to go. The sooner the better.


  1. So Proff Seago, on my grade comments, played devil's advocate, and asked this, "As taxpayers can we reject any taxes that fund a program we don't like?"

    In reality, no we can't. Yet, I sure wish we could. Let's take some other things that are ridiculous that I have to pay for.

    Social Security. This was at one point a great idea. Everyone pays a small portion out of each pay check (currently 6.2%), and at a certain age (currently 62 for 75%, and 66 for 100%), you can start getting retirement benefits. However, this system was put in place when the average life expectancy in the US was about 70. Average life expectancy is now 79. So the withdrawal time has gone from about 4 years on average, to about 13 years. Compound that with the unusually large population of "baby boomers" that are starting to cash in, Social Security is expected to run dry by 2035. So, why do I pay for it out of my paycheck if by the time the funds are gone, I'll only be 52? I shouldn't have to. (Don't get me started on how Social Security is adding to the national deficit, and has been for years. So in essence, its already bankrupt.)

    Medicaid/Medicare. Two programs I will never use. The Medicaid tax rate is 1.45% on our paychecks as stated above. So we've paying for two systems of public funded health care. I've known some nice, productive people who have been on these systems, who just needed some help to make things work. I understand they have some benefit. However, I've been to the medicaid office. I know someone will call me a bigot or closed minded for this, yet most of the people on Medicaid are intentionally unemployed or intentionally uneducated (usually resulting in low paying jobs), usually minorities or "white trash", and in my opinion, just leeches on the underbelly of society. "But what if they had a kid or kids really young and are having trouble making better progress in life?" Well, they should've worn a fucking condom and gone to college or technical school. Not my problem. Why should I pay for other people's laziness and mistakes?

    So should tax payer's be able to decide if they want to pay for programs they don't agree with or participate in? To a degree, YES. Social welfare programs for darn sure. Anything that benefits a special interest, definitely. Anything that goes towards military spending, absolutely! Taxes that fund schools, firefighting, public hospitals, or roads? No. Either that, or there should be a flat tax, that everyone pays, regardless of income level, with no tax breaks, and from that money, the government funds whatever it decides to, and nothing else, with no deficit spending.

  2. I also discussed the same topic, and as a individual who can relate to your view, I couldn't agree more. Why should an individual without health care be forced to pay a yearly penalty? When the reason for not having health insurance, is that it is unaffordable to the "average" working American citizens, that do not qualify for subsides. I full heartedly agree that Obamacare favors big insurance companies. This will eventually lead to a demise of the small privatized insurance companies. I concur with your statement, that Obamacare is unconstitutional.
