Sunday, November 22, 2015

Since I forgot...

I forgot in blog 6 and 8 to post on my blog.

For blog 6, I answer Kris' devil's advocacy question on my own blog, F*** Obamacare.  I further expounded on my original argument of the unconstitualism and complete travesty that is the so called Affordable Healthcare Act.  Affordable my ass.

I also commented on Matthew Schultz's article on the up coming elections, where he explained his views on Trump and Clinton.  I agreed fully with him that Clinton was an untrustworthy, "politics as usual" b****, and that Trump is just, well fucking nuts and offensive.

For blog 8, I commented on Nicole Arnold's article on why birth control should be free.  I really like this one, agreed with every point she made.  Birth control should be free, sex education needs to be better, and religious needs to stop messing with politics, especially on an issue like this where science actually has answers.  I liked it as well because it relates to my blog 7 post on abortion and why making it illegal is unconstitutional and just plain stupid.

Sorry for the language.  This class is getting me a little jaded.  I usually ignore politics and most of what is on the "news."  Thank goodness I didn't have to pay attention to Hollywood too, or I might have lost my mind completely.

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